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Six of Crows Duology - Review

Updated: Mar 2

Author: Leigh Bardugo 

Genre: Fantasy/YA

Rating: 5/5

Synopsis: This duology follows the ruthless Kaz Brekker and his misfit crew of criminals as they take on a series of schemes to earn themselves a large payday. Kaz and his crew, fight, steal, cheat and bargain for a chance to complete an almost impossible heist whilst their list of enemies grows. It's a fast-paced fantasy that will keep you guessing while falling in love with the characters.

Review: This duology is set within the same universe, known as the Grishaverse, as the Shadow and Bone trilogy. However, it takes place sometime after the events of those books. In my opinion, this duology is far superior to the other books. While the Shadow and Bone trilogy provides more explanation about the magic system and such, you could definitely skip it and jump straight into this duology. The characters, plot, and world-building are just epic in this duology. Although it took me a few chapters to get into it, I eventually fell in love with everything about it. It does fall into the young adult genre and most of the characters are young teenagers it does deal with some heavier themes and doesn't feel juvenile.

Kaz Brekker is definitely one of my favourite MMCs, he's cunning, quick-witted, and ruthless with a tragic history which just makes you fall in love with him. I read both books a while back and I still think about this storyline and all of the characters on a regular basis. I 100% would recommend this book to others.

Favourite Quotes

“Many boys will bring you flowers. But someday you'll meet a boy who will learn your favorite flower, your favorite song, your favorite sweet. And even if he is too poor to give you any of them, it won't matter because he will have taken the time to know you as no one else does. Only that boy earns your heart.”

“She'd laughed, and if he could have bottled the sound and gotten drunk on it every night, he would have. It terrified him."

“No mourners. No funerals. Among them, it passed for 'good luck.”

“I'm a business man," he'd told her. "No more, no less.""You're a thief, Kaz.""Isn't that what I just said?”

Book Aesthetic 

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